Our precious 3 year old has a tendency to throw temper tantrums when
she doesn't get her way. We've been trying to teach her that if she
would just use words instead of throwing a fit, sometimes we can make
So a while back there was a morning she didn't want to wear the shirt I had
picked out for her. She really wanted to pitch a fit . . I could see
the wheels turning in her head. Finally she looked at me and said "Mama
the arms in this shirt feel funny could I please not wear it?" (Now it
was in a whining voice - but I didn't care - she didn't throw a fit!)
PARENTING VICTORY. Then she said, "Instead could I wear my 'I'm A
Hoot' shirt?" PARENTING VICTORY #2 -
So I began to poor on the
praise. . . .thank you for using words . . . of course you can wear a
different shirt . . . that is exactly how mommy & daddy want you to
express your feelings. . . . that was so kind . .. etc, etc, etc.
Then she says . . . .
" Yep mom . it's because I'm naked. It's just easier to be kind when I'm naked"
There you have it.
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