Sunday, March 31, 2013

Truth & Consequences

At bedtime recently L confessed to an act of disobedience.  It was clear that her conscious demanded she tell the truth. However, in the midst of her confession she also lied - trying to hide the disobedience.  As is our custom, there was a consequence for her actions.

She was sorrowful.  She came downstairs lamenting that she had given into the temptation.  Her sobs were from the heart and she was truly repentant.  

In the meantime G also wondered downstairs to inquire as to why L was crying.  We assured her that everything was under control and she needed to return upstairs.  She chose to stay downstairs and thus ultimately received a consequence for her disobedience.  She began weeping.

So now we sat on the couch with two sobbing girls.  It was there that I realized.  One cried out of remorse for her own sin and one cried out of dislike for the consequence.  For L, there was no thought of the consequence and for G there was not thought of the disobedience.

Lord, give me wisdom in parenting these precious girls.  Allow me to help them see their need for a Savior, but also to accept his grace and forgiveness.  Amen!

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