Thursday, December 5, 2013

They Will Know We Are Christians By Our . . . . . .Love?????

There seem to be alot of very divisive topics in the Christian community these days.  Within the last several days I have seen and read passionate blog posts on GMOs, breast feeding, habits of the rich & poor, family size, and education of children . . .just to name a few.

Every person that has written or posted articles has given compelling reasons why their particular view on said topic is right.  Not just right, but Christian - God honoring.

My concern over all this passion is growing.

For starters on many of today's "hot" topics, I've read writings from Christians (often Evangelicals) on both sides of the issue.  Rarely have I read a writer conceding that perhaps thoughtful, intelligent, God-fearing people can feel differently about an issue. 

I'm reading alot of hate and anger and not sensing alot of grace.

Some of the things I've read have upset me.  I've felt compelled to defend myself more than once.  I stop; remind myself that the opinions expressed are just that . . . opinions.  I tell myself that I am accountable only to God for the decisions I am making.  What's best for my family isn't best for everyone's family.  After 5-10 minutes of self talk I can usually get back to a place of respect and appreciation for the opportunity of free speech.

But the thing that is bothering me more than the opinions expressed is the way in which we are doing it.  We are writing & posting these essays all over social media and as I said earlier, they are not always filled with love and grace.

So what are those who are not Christ followers seeing?  Are they seeing the love we have for each other?  Are they seeing Believers who genuinely want to encourage one another?  Are they seeing servant leaders who are willing to put aside the "right to be right" with humility? 

I fear they are not.  I fear they are seeing people filled with pride, anger (which is often NOT righteous), and hate.  I fear they are seeing people who are operating from places of fear and bondage rather than from love and freedom. 

Does what they see motivate them to follow Christ?  Does what they read cause them to ask more about this community of Believers who are supposed to be known by their love for each other and for God.

I fear the answer is no.

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