Saturday, March 3, 2012

Theology 101

In the recent days L & I have had the following deep theological conversations:

1. L:  Mommy are you one of Father Abraham's sons?
Me:  Yes, I am and so are you.
L:  But mommy I'm a daughter.  Why do we sing "Father Abraham had many sons.  I am one of them and so are you. . ."?  I'm not a son.

2. L:  Mommy, did God make the whole world.  Even before there was a world, did he make it?
Me:  Yes honey God made everything and he has always existed - even before the world began.
L:  Mommy I can believe a lot of things, but this is just one thing I cannot believe.

3. L:  Mommy why do you think God made giants? 
Me:  God makes everyone different.
L:  It's amazing that David could kill a giant.

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